Dear Practice Manager/ Doctor
Thank you for your Registration to attend our upcoming TeleHealth demonstration. Kindly note that the meeting starts promptly at 13h00. See zoom link below.
Your doctor may attend the first 20 min of the briefing as well. The Briefing should not be longer than 40 minutes with a Q & A session after and shall cover the following:
1. Telehealth Awareness programme for your patients – importance of education and communication
2. Your practice financial benefit telehealth to overcome the challenge of reduced face to face visitation from the Covid-19 pandemic
3. Reasons for adapting to this trend to complement the face-to-face patient visitations
4. Briefing shall involve a live demonstration of the Cirrus Telehealth feature and functionality
a) SMS process of reaching out to patients
b) Basic overview of Telehealth including consent process & HPCSA ethical guidelines,
c) Clinical notes – SOAP notes
d) Billing codes
e) how to send supporting information including Covid 19 Awareness information of where required a PUI form for Covid 19
5. Please see awareness newsflash explaining the functionality and highlighting Key Features of Cirrus Telehealth Consultation
6. To note that there shall also be overview on the non-clinical training as part of the overall EMC2 Learning Portfolio that we have planned for practice managers in the 4th quarter
Please see link to Zoom Meeting below (This will be emailed to you)
Meeting ID: 910 4938 1586
Passcode: 356124
Practice Management